Board Elections 2023
Good Evening/Morning Everyone,
Tomorrow morning (this morning) around 9am you will be receiving an email from our online voting platform, Election Runner, to vote for 2024 board positions. Positions up for election are President, 2nd VP, Coach Liaison, and NWAL Team Representative. The nominating committee presented the following nominees:
President - Brad Quindt (I)
2nd Vice President - Mike Stock (I)
Coach Liaison - Meghan Robertson (I)
NWAL Team Representative - Joe Krippel
Your email will contain the voting link, your login id, and your password to vote. If you click on the link it will login you in automatically to vote, otherwise you will use the UN/PW. As with each of our teams' elections, write-in candidates will be accepted. If the email does not arrive in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folder. The email will have the subject BBST Board Elections 2023.
Voting will close Saturday, June 17 @ 11:59p. We will send at lease two reminders one Thursday evening and second Saturday afternoon.
Thank you in advance for voting,
BBST Executive Board