
    Tomorrow's Meet

    More bad weather is due in starting early tomorrow afternoon.  In order to get our meet with Fall Creek in and done, the time has been moved up.  I have attached their welcome flier, however many of the times have changed.  The timeline is:

    6:45 swimmer and volunteer check in opens

    7:00 swimmer check in closes

    7:20 bear branch warm up

    7:40 Bear Branch warm up ends

    7:50 Meet begins


    In order for the meet to run faster they *WILL* scratch swimmers not present.  If you declared for this event but you already know that you/your swimmer will not be there, please email me now at [email protected] and we will scratch that swimmer from the meet.

    I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH!  We want every swimmer to swim.  We also do not want empty lanes for swimmers who are not present.  PLEASE PLEASE be early, know your parking options in advance, check in on time, and let's have a great meet tomorrow!

    There will be another email later today with any additional info that we need to get out to you, but I wanted to get this important information to you asap.


    Joe Krippel

    Team Rep

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